Organization History
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus prophetically stated; “I will build my church…” The many types and shadows of the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple worship were pointing toward the New Testament period and establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ on this earth. After His death and resurrection, Jesus showed Himself alive to many of His disciples for 40 days.

He left them with the promise of the Spirit returning to indwell them (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5-8). On the Jewish Feast day of Pentecost, 30 A.D., a group of one hundred and twenty faithful followers of Jesus were gathered in Jerusalem in an upper room. Suddenly they were overwhelmed with the promised Spirit. They began to speak with other languages as the Spirit gave them utterance. Thus the Church was born!
As the Apostle Peter spoke to the gathered throng, 3,000 others were likewise added to the original group of one hundred twenty. Since this beginning in Jerusalem, the Church spread as the apostles carried the Gospel forth into the world. At the death of the apostles and the conclusion of their writings, which we recognize as New Testament Epistles, those whom they had ordained continued their message with signs following. During the intervening centuries, the true Church of Jesus Christ has known much tribulation and persecution at the hand of those who oppose her message. Yet in every century the Lord has had a witness and the Church has had a voice.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, God chose the United States to pour out the Latter Rain of His Spirit. Revival fires began to spread as people began to seek a deeper experience with God. Soon thousands were filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ here in the United States. Then, Missionaries were sent out into other countries carrying the Gospel. Thus America became a great bastion for Apostolic truth in the twentieth century. In every state the Apostolic Message spread and churches were founded. From these churches, groups began to form as churches and men of God united their efforts to do more for God. Through the efforts of these faithful witnesses the Commission of Jesus Christ to “…preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), is being fulfilled.
The Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ is a continuation of the great revival that began on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem, A.D. 30, and is founded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief cornerstone, (Acts 2:1-41; Ephesians 2:19, 20). Various groups throughout the country went by different names trying and striving to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Finally in the month of March, 1952, three groups known as the Assemblies of the Church of Jesus Christ, Jesus Only Apostolic Church of God, and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, formulated a merger adopting the name Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is Apostolic in Doctrine and Teachings, and the Bible as their guide book.